Blogging on WordPress

Getting a blog started can be daunting, and moving away from the existing structures often raises more questions than you could possibly imagine. After deciding on a solid URL and squaring away a hosting provider, there are a number of decisions that bloggers must make in order to deliver content in an aesthetic and accessible manner that lines up with their own personality. This is why I prefer WordPress, as its open source community has a world of themes and plugins that can be modified to suit individual needs.

This blog is using Fashion Style Blog Responsive Theme, designed by Marios Lublinski. This simple theme is responsive, meaning it is readable on screens of all sizes. The prevalence of smartphones made this feature a top priority and the simple

layout doesn’t detract from the content, so I am excited to see how this turns out once I start uploading more content.

For more novice users looking to play around with blog themes and design elements without the costs associated with a vanity URL or monthly hosting fees, is a great place to start. With a less open source ecosystem, you can explore the basic functionality of the platform in order to determine if it is right for you.