11.06.2018 @12:12AM

Adding Google Local Guides Badge to LinkedIn

If you are dedicated Google Local Guide who is looking to showcase your expertise and talents on LinkedIn, this simple tutorial will show you how to add a badge that links to your contributor profile, right from your list of certifications.

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In the Accomplishments section, click the + sign

In the drop-down, click on Certification

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Populate the following required fields:

Certification name: Google Local Guides – Level (1-10)

Certification Authority: Google Local Guides (start typing, it will auto-complete)

Certification URL: Your Google Maps ‘contributor’ URL

Then click Save

Tip: Though not required, input a start date and then check the box for This certification does not expire, and it will place your credential at the top of the list if it is newer than other certifications.

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…and that it! Hope everybody finds this useful, but please do feel free to reach out if you find yourself in need of assistance.

This article was originally published in the Google Local Guides Connect forum.