03.10.2020 @08:21PM by Aaron Hagenbuch|Published 03.10.2020 View this post on Instagram Yesterday had us feeling like spring had sprung! An extra hour of daylight paired with a high of 70°F, made it the perfect time to take a leisurely stroll in the shadow of Beaver Stadium. How is the weather where you are? #BeautifulSkies #BeaverStadium #BestWeather #ByeWinter #DaylightSavingTime #DaylightSavingsTime #ILoveSpring #MyPennState #NittanyLions #PennState #PennStateFootball #PennStateForever #PennStateUniversity #PennStateWorldCampus #PerfectDay #PerfectWeather #PrettySky #SkiesOfInstagram #SpringVibe #SpringVibes #Sunlight #SpringBreak #SpringBreak2020 #SpringComing #SpringIsComing #StateCollege #StateCollegePA #Sunshine #WarmWeather #WeAre A post shared by Penn State World Campus (@pennstateworldcampus) on Mar 10, 2020 at 5:21pm PDT
Published 02.28.2021 02.28.2021 @08:07PM https://www.instagram.com/p/CL22Y_QroeN/ https://www.facebook.com/psuworldcampus/posts/10159065369942618